I was born in Painesville, Ohio, an apt name given my childhood. I eloped at 19 and moved to California the next year. I have spent the bulk of my life in the Seattle area of Washington where my husband and I raised our two sons and two daughters.
It took me ten years to earn my AA degree in social science at Green River Community College
I was born in Painesville, Ohio, an apt name given my childhood. I eloped at 19 and moved to California the next year. I have spent the bulk of my life in the Seattle area of Washington where my husband and I raised our two sons and two daughters.
It took me ten years to earn my AA degree in social science at Green River Community College, and I was lucky to be offered an internship at the Valley Newspapers where I worked as a reporter and photographer for three years – a dream come true. After working at the Bellevue Daily Journal-American for the next four years, I went to the University of Washington for my bachelor’s degree in English, then an MFA, and one year toward a PhD in anthropology. In 1988 I was offered a full-time, tenure-track teaching position at Highline Community College. After teaching there for 27 years, I’m emeritus but still working with new faculty and serving on the Foundation Board. We have begun to offer bachelor degrees, so now we’re Highline College.
And now I’m a full-time writer and traveler. I love to travel, a dream that’s come true hundreds of times over. Last year it was Kau’ai; San Miguel Mexico; Jamaica; Florida; and New York. This year I went to Jamaica again and will go to Florida again, also. I’ll be in Italy and Paris before the end of the year.
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